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Strange facts that will surprise you about hamsters

Hamster is a small animal that resembles a mouse and belongs to the rodent family to the cricetinae family and includes approximately 25 species. Hamsters are pets, so children love to buy and raise them at home. Hamsters are animals that are used in the laboratory to conduct experiments on them. Gray, Hazel, White, Red and Brown, feeding on plants, fruits and seeds. The Syrian golden hamster is one of the best types of hamsters and some prefer it as a pet at home. My chat site Animals Land in today's article strange facts that will surprise you about the hamster.

The first fact: hamsters are a paraplegic
Some believe that a hamster is a nocturnal being, but in reality it is neither a nocturnal nor a diurnal being; It is an auroral being active during the twilight hours.

The second fact: hamsters do not have a specific length
There are many types of hamsters and each type has a specific length. For example, European hamsters reach a length of 13 inches and this is very large so this type is considered the longest type of hamster, and there is a type known as dwarf hamster that reaches a length of 2-4 inches so it is the smallest type of hamster.

The third fact: hamsters store their food
Hamsters are distinguished by storing their food in the face; This is in case of feeling uncomfortable and then chewing food.

The fourth fact: hamsters eat meat
Many people think that hamsters eat only plants, but in reality, they eat fruits, plants, seeds, and meat, and may eat insects as well.

The fifth fact: hamster teeth do not stop growing
Hamster is a unique animal whose teeth do not stop growing during its life so it always wants to chew; This is so that his teeth do not grow more than hindered by eating food.

Sixth Fact: The average hamster is 2 years old
Hamsters can live for three years, but their average age is 2- 2.5 years, and they can reach 4 years, but this is rare.

The seventh fact: hamsters give birth in summer
An hamster gives birth in summer and spring, and often gives birth in one abdomen. 7 hamsters can give birth to more than that in a single abdomen.

Eighth Fact: Hamsters are blind born
Young hamsters give birth blindly This fact is one of the strangest facts about hamsters. Young hamsters open their eyes about two weeks after birth.