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Strange facts about the red panda

Red panda is one of the most famous animals in the world, but it is considered one of the types of animals that threatens extinction greatly. It is known to many that the panda is a cute white-colored pet that covers its entire body, has two eyes with a distinctive black color, Another kind of panda is red panda, The Animal Land website explains, in today's article, strange facts about the red panda.

- The red panda is very different from the famous panda, as it closely resembles a similar proportion of the wedding son, raccoon, and some other animals, as it is poor in resemblance to the ordinary panda.

- A red panda is found in the Himalayas in Bhutan, India, southern China, and Laos, Burma, and Nepal. It can also be found in temperate forests in the Himalayas and some high places of mountains in Myanmar and China.

- Red panda is the national animal of the state called Sikkim in India. The red panda is classified as a cat family.

- Red panda is known as cat bear as its shape is very similar to the shape of a cat and it is also known as fiery fox and it has a very close relationship with the raccoon family, it is classified as a herbivore.

- This animal is characterized by its soft fur, which protects it from the harshness of cold weather in the surrounding areas. The upper side of the thick fur covering the body of the red panda tends to a reddish brown color, and the lower side of the fur next to its legs is predominantly black.

- The soles of the feet of the red panda are covered with white fur, the face and the edges of the ears are completely covered in white, over the red panda's eye marks similar to the shape of the mask.

- The red panda bear has a heavily fured tail with round brown rings with red color, similar in appearance to a raccoon tail.

- The red panda has claws that accept clouds, as it is the only factor that identifies the red panda with the regular panda.

- He has an unreal thumb thumb as it is an extended part of the wrist bones, a red panda bear living in remote mountainous areas of the Himalayas.

- It is found in forests with large densities and bamboo forests, the temperature around the red panda bear often decreases until it reaches about 10-25 ° C.

- This bear loves very large hikes as the hikes with which it is sometimes reaches around 12,000-6,000 feet.

- Red panda is among the animals that are present at night. It is sometimes found in the early morning and begins to activity in the late afternoon.

- This animal can spend most of the day on trees, as this can save its energy.

- The vegan diet of the red panda is severely lacking in the energy it needs; So he must maintain his energy with all his might.

- 6 Red panda is always preferred to be alone, but it can only be found with other animals during mating and reproduction season.

- The red panda bear is a regional animal that can use cysts of a glandular nature located at the anal area to distinguish between the regional region and the other; And that is through the distinctive smell of those bags.

- Red panda bear is characterized as a pet that does not possess aggressive characteristics.

Food at the red panda:

  • Red panda is very similar to the giant giant panda in terms of food, it mainly feeds on bamboo, in the summer season it feeds on various herbs, leaves and fruits beside mushrooms.

  • It is considered a grass-eating animal, but despite that it can eat birds eggs from time to time, and it is said that it can eat mice and birds at certain times.

  • Because of the large lack of bamboo in places where the red panda is located, his metabolism is considered very slow as most of his time is spent looking for food.

  • - As we mentioned, the nutritional aspect of red panda is very similar to the regular panda; So its digestive system is also similar to the digestive system of a giant ordinary panda.

  • The diet of the panda's digestive system is highly proportional to eating meat, although it cannot digest cellulose.

  • The primary plant of the food of the red panda is the bamboo plant so that it can survive without perishing on the face of the earth.

Mating at a red panda:

- The mating period in the red panda bear is in the half of January until the beginning of March, during which the breeding takes place in the half of May and half of July.

- A red panda can mate when he is about a year old, as during that time he has complete sexual maturity through which he can mate with his female and build new generations of red panda.

- The period of pregnancy in females of a red panda is about three months, and it does not waste that time in vain, as it makes a beautiful nest by preparing it from the branches and surrounding herbs, or preparing it in the belly of a tree that can be hollow or what is found in the cracks between the rocks.

- After a pregnancy, a red panda female safely conveys her newborns, who can reach three cubs at a time.

- The weight of the newborn is approximately 113-141 grams, its fur is fully present but its color is pale yellow.

- The cubs at birth are very similar to the regular panda, they are born without vision, the mother is totally dependent on for care, protection and survival on earth.

- Cubs can see naturally when they reach three weeks of age, the red panda remains with the mother until she breeds and gives birth in the next mating season.

- The cubs begin to approach their parents similarly when they reach about three months of age, and the young are weaned at the age of five months.

- The males of the red panda bear have nothing to do with raising and caring for young children.

Danger of extinction of a red panda:
  • A red panda bear is an endangered animal; This is due to the loss of its main habitat due to the cracking and clearing of most of the forests.
  • This animal can be extinct thanks to its killing to obtain the distinctive fur that represents a great wealth.
  • Because of the Chinese population density, houses were built instead of the living places of the red panda.
  • About ten thousand red panda bears die annually from deforestation.