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The importance of Husky dogs and the need to take care of their health


Husky dogs:
   Siberian Husky dogs are considered to be a species of graceful and durable dogs, and these dogs are born with a playful and dangerous personality. Although they possess high energy and sometimes severe, they can be gentle and affectionate in the event that appropriate care was provided to them, and the size of these dogs ranges between 15.8-27.2 She has a dense double-coat in multiple colors including black, gray, white and reddish brown. Husky dogs have marks like black spots on their body, and the average age of these dogs is 12-15 years.

The importance of Husky dogs:
   The medium-sized Husky is of East Asian origin, and is a smart, strong and harmful dog. This dog is also active and can work for miles to stretch and pull a moderate load quickly over long distances. This is why these dogs were used in Siberia by the Eskimos to pull their skis, These dogs have also been used as a guard for homes and as owners of individuals, and over the centuries these dogs have created a strong sense of meekness and devotion to people and their families, in addition to that Siberia was famous for dog races and was used this type of dogs that were classified as among the pure dogs, and has increased the use of these dogs in The races because of its double weather-resistant coat which consists of two layers; Dense underlayment, medium-length soft outer layer.

Husky dogs health and care:
   Due to the size of the Siberian dogs, it requires daily exercise, which can be achieved through long-term operation or jogging. The Husky also requires weekly cleaning of his coat during most days of the year, and daily cleaning during periods of heavy discharge. Also, Husky dogs love the cold weather and enjoy the withdrawal of objects, despite the This can live in cold or temperate climates, so it is best to allow him to spend equal time indoors and outdoors. In addition, a Siberian dog from 11-13 years old may experience minor health problems such as progressive network atrophy, hypothyroidism, cataracts and atrophy The cornea, therefore a veterinarian must be used to perform the necessary checks for the dog from time to time.