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The method of raising and training Husky dogs

   Husky dogs Husky dogs are among the animals that live from 12 to 15 years, and are strong and predatory dogs, so they are not good for guarding, as they do not like to receive any intruder, and there are many people who face difficulty in training Husky, as it needs strong will And for a lot of perseverance and work, and in this article we will introduce you to the method of raising Husky dogs.

How to raise Husky dogs:
Breeding method:

  • The social inclusion of a Husky puppy, to teach him how to properly interact with the various environmental aspects in which he lives, such as dogs and people, which helps him grow.

  • Allow him to spend time with others, in addition to taking him to the car park, to expose him to various sounds and scenes, while being careful to monitor his reaction to these effects.

  • Put him in a nursery school for 4-5 months, to teach him how to treat other dogs.

  • Registering an adult Husky and a puppy at the age of 4 months in a training course on obedience and compliance, where the Husky is an independent and smart dog by nature, but it may be a bit stubborn.

  • Hasky leadership, where he prefers to have a specific leader, and can be controlled by controlling the time of food, making him wait to eat, or by directing him while walking, making him follow you wherever you walk, and avoiding hitting him to impose control.

  • Grab him by attaching his strap to a bicycle, and leaving him to pull it, taking into account not to do it if the hockey is untrained.

  • Running, playing with him, which facilitates training.

  • Take it to the scene if you live next to a pool.

  • Surround the yard dedicated to training the Husky with a fence, in order to avoid his escape, as he tends to escape.

  • Fill the holes that are dug through it with ash, to prevent their recurrence.

  • Providing a fellow for the hockey, being a social animal that prefers playing.

  • Allow him to meet other dogs, in order to choose his companion himself.

  • Avoid training in hot climates, as it adapts a lot to the cold climate, and it is possible to train it in the early morning during the very hot days, bearing in mind that it does not remain outside the home.

  • His entertainment is by filling the kung with the food he prefers, putting a chewable toy around to keep him busy, and to avoid getting bored, it is possible to try a trick of bringing things in after throwing them in order to increase mental stimulation.

  • Providing good food for the Husky twice a day, knowing that he is eating a small amount of food, and avoiding his training immediately after eating, where he must wait for an hour and a half.

  • Use the brush to clean dog fur, being an animal that loves to be clean in nature.

  • Use a rough brush once a year to remove dead hair and to keep healthy furs.

  • Avoid shaving its fur in the summer, to avoid damaging it from the sun's ultraviolet rays.

  • Its bath once a year, being clean dogs.

  • Pruning his nails every week or two.

  • He brushed his teeth two or three times a week.

  • Check with your veterinarian from time to time to make sure of his vaccination schedule.

Husky Dog Training:
Training method:
  • Hasky training on his cage, which helps to make home training easier, and thus will not want to defecate or urinate where he sleeps, as it will make the cage a safe place for him when in fear, and the desire to feel comfortable.
  • Training him to tie the neck, in order to avoid his rush to go away from you in order to chase something, while avoiding pulling the rope so strongly, because he was not encouraged to draw more strongly, and make him smell his bond at home before taking him to walk outside.
  • Daily training for 30-60 minutes.