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Ways to take care of a Husky dog and its faults

   The reason for the Haskey dogs being named by this name is due to the indigenous people of the Arctic Eskimos. The Husky dogs kept the Inuit people since 1852 and used them to pull sledges on snow to move around their snowy areas. The Haskey dogs are characterized by being fast running and able to pull sleds very quickly, they are One of the fastest types of dogs, as Husky dogs are used in sled dogs due to their strong structure and durability, and Husky dogs are kept as pets in homes or on the premises to guard or to conduct races or to do tours on sleds that Husky dogs in areas Snow.

   Among the most famous types of Husky dogs is the Siberian Husky, and it has been moved to live in Alaska since 1909 AD and has become a habitat for it. The Husky dogs have a soft and dense fur that covers their bodies with erect ears, and the height of the Husky dog ​​is between 51 to 61 cm to the shoulders, while Weight ranges between 16 to 27 kg, and the color of Husky fur is mostly gray, black or white, and some have markings on the head such as a cap, glasses or a mask, and have blue or gray eyes and a distinctive look from the other dogs, and dogs are distinguished Husky, as they are friendly, cute and smart dogs who love to play with humans, and have kept the purity of their breeds for hundreds of years.

Husky dog ​​food:
   Husky dogs are classified as pets that can be raised in the home and provided with food. Husky dogs rely on a balanced diet consisting of commercial food that can be purchased from shops and raw food as they are carnivores, and Husky dogs need protein-rich food that can Obtaining it from raw red meat and balanced food, and a specialist veterinarian can be consulted in the event that you do not know the type of food that can be served to Husky dogs, as unhealthy food can cause diseases for Husky dogs, and it is better to add more fat and protein in the cold months and in the case of Training Husky dogs for competitions, reducing the amount of fats and proteins in warm months, and Husky dogs need to drink water at all times, and Husky dogs must be provided with unlimited water in order to maintain its health and keep it always hydrated, especially in the cold winter months, and provide water for it in Places where he can reach or have a water system for Husky dogs not to freeze.

Caring for Husky dogs:
   Husky dogs can be taken care of ideally to keep these animals from getting sick and to keep them always clean and tidy, because they are friendly pets that are attracted to people and children in particular and love to play with them. One of the things that can be taken into account when caring for Husky dogs is the following:

  • Brushing Husky dogs' brushing regularly, and a special brush for Husky dogs is preferred, as cleaning dog fur helps reduce the amount of fur fall at home.

  • Washing Husky dogs fur with soap and water at appropriate times, and sometimes it is preferable to wash it with special shampoo without using water so that the amount of oil in his skin does not decrease, which protects his body from the sun.

  • Shave the Husky Dog Fur whenever the need arises, as cutting its Fur helps regulate its body temperature, and most Husky dogs have a double layer of fur that keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

  • The bottom layer of fur grows on Haskey dogs after the throat in such a way that the fur is less soft and more tangled, so it should not be overrated to cut the fur of Husky dogs.

  • Protect the Husky's paws and make sure they are not damaged from rough terrain, especially after exercising or skiing, because it can burn the Husky paws from hot surfaces or cut off from rough surfaces.

  • Examine the Husky dog's nails to ensure they are not long, as long nails prevent the natural movement of the Husky dog's feet.

  • Ensure that there is no snow in the paws of Husky dogs, as they have sweat glands in their paws, can freeze from snow and cause skin damage, and dog socks can be used to prevent this from happening.

The eyes of Husky dogs:
   Husky dogs are distinguished by beautiful blue eyes and an unforgettable look, and many scientists have tried to discover the secret behind these beautiful eyes of Husky dogs, and they have worked on a DNA test to explore the reason why they have this color of eyes, and the full genetic features of dogs have been compared, so scientists found Genetic disc that could be the cause of Haskey dogs having blue eyes, and the results of research carried out by scientists in scientific journals have been published by the Embark Veterinary Company, and the researchers have tested the DNA of more than 6000 dogs aware of their owners to take the test, and because the study numbers were large The results are also great, the researchers found that the genetic change or genetic mutation found close to the ALX4 gene on chromosome number 18 has a close relationship to having the Husky dogs have blue eyes, as genes have a major role in genetics, according to what the geneticist at the Faculty of Medicine said. Veterinarian Christopher Izari from Western University of Health Sciences.