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Do you know the characteristics and nature of wolves?


  • Wolves are characterized by being smart animals, which carry many characteristics, and distinguish them from other animals, so wolves are considered predatory animals.

  • Wolves have a great intuitive speed, due to the ability of wolves to distinguish their prey from a great distance of kilometers, thanks to its great ability to smell the blood of their blood.

  • Wolves are characterized by many metaphysical matters, among which it is considered one of the animals feared by the jinn.

  • The wolf is an untamed animal.

  • Wolves rely on the howl with their loud voice, in order to alert animals and other flocks of wolves, as wolves may howl regularly in every 8 hours per day, and is characterized by its very loud voice, which may reach a sound of nearly 10 km.

  • The wolf is able to determine whether a person is carrying a weapon or unarmed.

  • A wolf can smell the blood of a person, and from miles away, if a person is injured, he is a target of a wolf, and he cannot get rid of it easily.

  • The wolf is a very moving animal, and it sleeps with one eye open, because it does not secure anyone.

  • With this strength, however, wolves have a weak point, which is that their prey can escape if it runs in a circular way, and the reason for this is due to the straightening of its spine, which does not bear this turn.

  • Wolves do not eat carrion, no matter how hungry they are.

  • After attacking the prey, it extracts the internal organs first and then devours them, such as the liver, kidneys, spleen and intestine, and then the rest of the body.

  • It is one of the animals that does not crossbreed, nor can it be a pet like any other predators such as tigers and others.

  • While wolves attack sheep and other livestock, they always look for the best and choose the best one.

  • He knows if the cattle herder is male or female, and he or she decides to attack.

  • It is one of the animals that are highly mobile, so it does not settle in a specific place

  • A female wolf is fiercer than a male, especially when she has young children. One of the most powerful weapons for a wolf during a conflict is his tail, as he wraps it on the leg of his accelerator.

  • It is strange for wolves that if he falls into captivity, he does not set his eyes with an eye from his effect, and once he is dismissed from him, he will look again, then he will turn his attention away from him if he looks at him again.

  • The strength of the wolf is that once you jump on the prey they do not rise again. The wolf has the ability to distinguish between the coward man from the brave man, and for this reason the Arabs used to make people describe him with courage, intelligence, and acumen like a wolf.