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Do you know the most famous types of wolves ?

   The wolf is the oldest animal that is dangerous to humans, and wolves have great power in their jaws, and it has a loud voice through which it communicates with other groups, but it has faced the danger of extinction in recent times, because of the economic damage that wolves leave behind this world.

   The wolf is a wild carnivore, the most famous of which is the gray wolf, which is the largest member of the Canidae dog family, another species is the Ethiopian wolf, which resides in the highlands of Ethiopia, as well as nearly forty subspecies of wolves.

Mexican gray wolf "Canis lupus baileyi"
   The Mexican gray wolf “Canis lupus baileyi” is one of the most rare types of gray wolves, as scarcity and unique breed. The size of this wolf is relatively small, with a weight ranging between 23 to 36 kg, and its length is approximately 1.5 to 2 meters. These species of Mexican wolves have great adaptability in many different natural environments, and these wolves inhabit throughout central Mexico, southwest Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and western Oklahoma.

Red wolf:
   It is one of the species that possess more than one color, including yellow, black and red color, and the length of each extends to approximately 105 to 125 cm, and the tail reaches a length of 33-43 cm, and the weight of the red wolf ranges from 20 to 37 kg. Red wolf is a hybrid between two types of wolves are prairie wolf and gray wolf, and this is what molecular studies have found, and some experts have described it as a distinct type of wolf, as others have classified it as a subspecies of wolves called (C. lupus rufus) of the wolf family Ramadi, and pre-determined its presence in the southeast and the far west of the United States.

The gray wolf:
   Gray wolf is one of the largest distributions among mammals, with the exception of humans. It is concentrated in the northern hemisphere, extending from the North Pole towards South America and South Asia, and is present largely in the United States, Alaska, Mexico and Canada. Gray wolf breeds once a year, due to where he lives, and wolves breed in the northern region late in the season when compared to southern wolves, and the gestation period remains at this type from 60 to 63 days.

Eastern wolf:
   This type of gray wolf breed, and is very similar to him in terms of size and color, and this type is known as Lupus Lisa Yun, which is a hybrid between gray wolf and prairie wolf as well.

   It is clear from the foregoing that wolves have many and many characteristics, which make them different from other animals, and are also distinguished by the abundance of their species.
