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What is cat food and ways to protect it from obesity?


Animal food:
All kinds of creatures need food suitable for them and their bodies, without it you will not be able to supply their bodies with the energy they need in order to measure and move, or grow and perform their vital functions, and therefore the refore the sort of this food and the elements and materials it contains differ from one creature to the other; What a deer eats is completely different from what the lion eats, and the two differ completely from the eating of the bird, and all of that differs from what a person eats, and the reason for these differences is the differences between the bodies of these organisms and the way they are digested by the materials that feed on them, in addition to the quality of food that they receive, and to The quantity you need from each of the nutritional elements and the degree of consumption of each of them.

Cats Food:
As for feeding cats, they will - to some extent - eat a number of the food that humans eat; it's ready to eat most of the cooked meat albeit it's mixed with red spaghetti sauce , meat broth and therefore the like, and it doesn't matter if the meat is boiled or grilled, but it's better that it's well cooked; this is often to avoid the likelihood that the cat are going to be infected with bacteria that spread in these meats. Although wild cats are wont to eating meat and even the carcasses of dead animals for days, the meat that humans consume is more dangerous to them, and therefore the refore the reason is that they contain bacteria from the food of livestock and the industrial farm environments that humans place on them.

Cats also eat chicken, because it is a crucial source of protein, and chicken bones are useful for cats, and that they don't mind eating them because they're easier to interrupt compared to sheep or cow bones, etc., and eating liver meat could also be very beneficial to cats, so there's no objection to serving liver with its food from time to time. Fish is taken into account a really popular sort of food for cats, and it's recommended that it's cooked before serving it because it is for meat, chicken and liver, and therefore the fish gives the cat materials and nutrients that are vital to its health, like iodine, phosphorus, also as vitamins like vitamin A , Vitamin E, vitamin D And also provides it with protein. Canned cat tuna and sardines are often given, as domestic cats have an excellent tendency to eat fish, but this doesn't necessarily mean that it's the simplest food for them; Wild cats often sleep in dry environments and it's very rare to eat fish. If domestic cats eat fish as their main food, they're going to suffer from a scarcity of the many sorts of minerals and vitamins, and thus it shouldn't be exaggerated by feeding them to cats, but it's useful when it's presented to them during a reasonable quantity.

Cats can prey on milk, cheese and every one dairy products in several stages of their lives, but contrary to the prevailing belief, it's not considered a really good food for the cat, and actually , it's going to be dangerous in some cases; Milk and its derivatives are useful for cats once they are young, especially within the first eight weeks of their life before they're weaned, but once they grow and reach, consuming milk and its derivatives may cause problems. the power of her gastrointestinal system to soak up lactose (which is that the sugar present in milk) is greatly reduced, and she or he may become allergic to milc. She may have indigestion, diarrhea and dehydration, and every one of this may negatively affect her health. In fact, the sole means cats got to drink is water, and if the acceptable quantities are given thereto , you'll not got to drink anything.

Obesity in cats:
 It is necessary to pay attention that the cat does not develop excessive obesity, as this may affect its health as badly as the case in humans, and it is necessary to provide appropriate and beneficial food for cats, but in reasonable quantities, the goal is to provide them with the elements that their body needs and not fatten, and therefore also should not be provided to the cat Food that contains large amounts of fat, and it must be saved with the fat and oils provided to it. it's useful to manage cat eating times in order that it can regulate digestion. Obesity is taken into account one among the issues prevalent in cats in countries of the primary world, a bit like that of humans, and likewise, obesity causes an equivalent risks to humans as cats, because it threatens them with exposure to heart condition and a decrease in their lifetime .

Animal food types:
Living organisms obtain their food in many different ways. They are basically divided into two types: the self-feeding organisms that make their own food, which are represented by the plants that obtain energy from the sunlight through photosynthesis, and the non-self-feeding organisms that need it not It includes all animals.

Animals have many ways of obtaining their food, some of which live intrudingly on others and on their food, including what eats dead and decomposing creatures, including herbivores that feed on plants, and the flesh that prey on other animals. It only feeds on the flesh of other living organisms, and although it may occasionally eat vegetarian food, it lacks the functional organs that are equipped to digest it and extract nutrients from it in an effective manner, and it badly needs whatever food is available in meat of all kinds.