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How to raise and feed hamsters


Hamster is an animal from the rodent family, and it is somewhat similar to a mouse, covered with fur and its color varies from one to another, and it raises people as a pet, and they buy it from pet stores, and the hamster, like other animals, needs care and attention to remain playful and healthy .

 Pay attention when dealing with hamsters, especially children. Because it is an animal in the end and its behavior may differ from time to time, it may bite if it is exposed to a dangerous situation or feel threatened, and its bite is somewhat painful, so people should be satisfied with putting it in their own house and not trying to play with it or hold it permanently.

How to raise hamster

Buying hamsters:

  • Finding a store and a safe place to sell hamsters; Because in these days pet shops have proliferated, and it is no longer possible to know the reliable places from others, as some owners of these shops may sell sick or very large animals in a lifetime.
  • Choosing a hamster in good health, and this is known by his clean ears, and his dryness from the bottom, and his stomach is rotated and small, and there are no bald spots or lumps on his body, and his eyes are bright and clean, and all these matters must be confirmed when buying.
  • Taking into account the size of the hamster that a person wants to acquire; There are many types that differ in size, so it is good to search for these types on the Internet and choose the most appropriate before going to buy.
  • Choose your favorite hamster color, as there are different colors such as sizes.

Prepare a suitable place and home:

  • Choose the appropriate cage; It must be of a medium size, in order to accommodate the place of his sleep and the place of placing water and food for him, in addition to a wheel game suitable for his size to be entertained.
  • Put the cage in a safe place, make sure there is a lot of ventilation, and do not place it beside the hot window glass, and make sure to find a quiet place and free from any other domestic animals such as dogs and cats.
  • Ensure that there is no room or gap for the hamster to escape; They are intelligent animals and can enter through any narrow and small place, so the person should pay attention in the first period of the hamster presence to ensure the safety and safety of the cage in which it is located.
  • Place some wood shavings on the floor of the cage, until they are soft and warm for the hamster to sleep and sit.

Providing food and water:

  • Feed hamsters daily; It is one of the animals that loves to eat and preserve food at the same time, a person may find a hidden amount of food under the shavings of wood, and in the hamster's mouth.
  • Always provide water in the cage; The hamster does not drink a large amount of water, but does drink as soon as he feels thirsty.
  • Buy hamster food at pet stores.
  • - Distributing food on the cage floor and hiding it in the corners and games in it.
  • Avoid giving him human food, as it may affect him and cause him some health problems.
