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Dog Food Recipes: 4 delicious recipes for domestic dogs

When you start preparing dog food at home, you will probably face some problems, the most important of which is the lack of knowledge of dog food recipes that make your dog accept the food prepared at home easily.

So we offer you a range of dog food recipes that are easy to prepare as well as the delicious taste your dog will love.

Preparing dog food or eating dogs at home has several advantages, the most important of which is complete knowledge of the food ingredients provided to your dog.

In addition, our dog food recipes will help you avoid kidney problems that may be caused by dry food.

The dog food made at home reduces the skin allergy problems that affect some dogs and raises the dog's overall immunity.

Finally, in this way, you can control the amount of calories provided to your dog.

The first recipe: Mix chicken and vegetables in serving dogs
This dog food recipe contains chicken as the main source of protein.

Protein is very important to a dog's health because dogs are carnivores, that is, they feed on proteins.

Chicken is characterized by containing less fat compared to meat, which makes this meal ideal for puppies as well.

In addition to protein, this recipe contains vegetables to provide the dog with vitamins and minerals.

The ingredients:

4 cups of water
Half a kilo of boneless chicken
2 cups of brown rice
A cup of grated carrots
A cup of grated green beans
1 tablespoon of fish oil (this can be replaced by a rich omega-3 capsule)

How to prepare:

Place the chicken in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat with fish oil until you start changing its color.
Add water to chicken with brown rice and wait for the mixture to boil.
When boiling starts, reduce the intensity of the heat and leave the mixture on low heat for 15 minutes or until the rice is tender.
Add carrots and beans and leave the mixture for 5 minutes on the heat until the vegetables are tender.
After cooking, remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool.
Serve the dog according to his age and year, and store the rest of the mixture for later meals.
This meal can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

The second recipe: meat, tomatoes and vegetables for dogs
This meal contains meat as a main source of protein for dog food.

One of the most important benefits of protein is that it keeps the dog healthy and gives him permanent energy and energy.

This meal helps you to provide a diet rich in vegetable and animal protein alike.

The ingredients:

Half a kilo of meat
A cup of white beans
A cup of cowpea
A cup of cubes, chopped portion
Half a cup of tomato juice
4 cups of chicken soup without salt

How to prepare:

Remove any fats in the meat and cut them into small cubes.
Add the meat to the heat in a pan and add a spoonful of olive oil to help ripen.
Leave the meat on the fire until it changes color.
Add the rest of the ingredients and cook over low heat for 15 minutes
Leave the mixture to cool completely before serving it to the dog
This mixture can be stored for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.

The third recipe: Chicken tagine for dogs, which is one of the favorite dog food

As we explained before, chicken is an important source of protein because it does not contain much fat unlike meat, so it is a good source of protein, especially for small puppies.
The addition of vegetables also makes up for any deficiency in the minerals, minerals and vitamins that greatly increase the dog's immunity.
The vegetables also add a taste for dogs.
In addition, vegetables are passed on as aids in digestion in dogs.
This meal contains oats that are useful in providing the dog with important nutrients.

The ingredients:

4 chicken breasts
Half a cup of grated green beans
Half a cup of grated cauliflower
Half a cup of grated carrots
Half a cup of oats
4 cups of chicken soup without salt

How to prepare:

Cut the chicken breasts into small pieces and remove any unwanted fats.
Place the chicken in a skillet over medium heat until it changes from pink to white with the stirring continued until it does not burn.
Add chicken broth, vegetables, oats and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes until the carrots are tender
Raise the meal from the heat and give the dog his meal based on his age and weight.
The rest of the meal can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

This dog food recipe is rich in many important elements, which can be useful further by adding a tablespoon of olive oil with chicken when cooked in the pan.

Fourth recipe: canned food substitute for dogs (meat and soup)
Are you used to providing canned food for your dog, but you suffer from high cost and difficult to get it?

This is one of the dog food recipes that will solve this problem because it provides a good alternative to canned food with its distinctive flavor to dogs.

This meal contains meat as a main source of protein, with some delicious additions that ensure your dog is attracted to the meal and its taste palatable.

The ingredients:

Half a kilo of beef
1 sweet potato
Half a cup of diced carrots
Half a cup of green beans
Of flour
Half a cup of water
Three tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil

How to prepare:

Roast sweet potatoes in the oven until tender and set aside
Cut the meat into small pieces
Add the meat to a frying pan and put a little olive oil and leave the meat on medium heat until simmer for 10 minutes, stirring
Remove the meat from the pan and leave the rest of the meat sauce in the pan and add to it a sweet potato and mash it well
Slowly add flour and water to the potato mixture and the remaining meat sauce, stirring constantly until a thick mixture forms
Add the meat again to the mixture with carrots and beans and stir until they mix with the mixture
Leave the mixture to simmer for 10 minutes until the carrots are tender
You can add a little water if the mixture needs it
Lift the mixture and allow it to cool and serve the dog's meal according to his age and weight
The rest of the meal can be stored for the dog for 5 days