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[Pics] - Discover the 8 Best Breeds of Cats that Live the Longest


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Everyone who owns a cat wants their cats to live the longest time possible. the best breeds of cats with the longest lifespan is one of the most searched phrases on the internet. but be sure that the long life of your cat is linked to its health and then to its genetic makeup. of course it is very important to know how his domestic cat lives a long life, what motivates him and what are the best conditions that help him to keep a good health and a happy life.

8- Bombay Cat:

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The bombay is a breed of cats of American origin. which appeared in the usa in the 1960s, it is a breed born from a cross between black american shorthairs and sand burmeses in order to have a miniature black pathére. this cat never goes unnoticed with its dark black color and orange eyes. he is well known for his remarkable intelligence and his hyper sensitivity.And this cat can live from 17 to 20 years so a great life expectancy compared to other breed.

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7- The Maine Coon Cat:

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This cat is considered to be the biggest cat in the world because it can weigh over 10 kg. he is well known for his good constitution which allows him to live a very long time up to 30 years. the coon hand is very hairy he has medium hair and he has a rustic physique. he comes from the state of MAINE in the USA.

6- The Ragdoll Cat:

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It is a cat which is of origin of the USA, it is a cat which is very cute and very beautiful by its big blue eyes, it has a good health and it can live as long up to 11 years and this 'is just perfect because ragdoll has several qualities to know; calm, sensitive, gentle and he likes hugs ...

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5- The Balinese Cat:

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He is a mysterious and elegant breed, he is a very competent hunter but he is also a very good pet he is also sensitive and talkative, he weighs between 3 and 5 kg. it reconciles in its temperament to Siamese half long hair, because it is about a spontaneous genetic mutation of the kittens with the half-long hair appeared in fact naturally among the litters of Siamese.

4- The Russian Blue Cat:

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If you are a large family this breed is not suitable for you because it is quiet and it likes peace, it quickly becomes attached to its owner in an incredibly intense way. he prefers to spend most of his time with his owner because he feels happy and secure.

good news the russian blue cat even lives over 15 years if he is in good health but in general he is in good health.

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3- The British Shorthair Cat:

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The british schorthair is from great britain, he is medium in size. this cat is very famous for his head which is apple-shaped and his copper eyes, the british shorthair is enormously loved by his physique as well as by his personality because he is patient, affectionate and very gentle. and he lives as long as any other cat in the world.

2- The Persian Cat:

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The Persian is a breed of long-haired cat, he is of medium size is very famous for his long and abundant hair, his round figure and his short face but very remarkable, he has a regal attitude, the Persian is very appreciated by madmen cat lover. but it is not just his beautiful frame that makes him attractive but also his independence and his famous laziness. this cat can live an average of 14 years.

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1- The Siamese Cat:

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The Siamese is a breed of cat native to Thailand. they came to great britain in the middle of the 19th century. they had a success as soon as they arrived in the USA. this breed of cats usually lives up to 14 years. he is sociable, dynamic and always in a good mood. he is very competent in hunting and he loves to play with his master. the Siamese has a great need to be stimulated during the day but he likes hugs anyway.


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