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Cats diseases and how to treat them


Take care of cats

Cats are considered pets that humans love and love to raise at home, as they do not pose a great danger to the health and life of humans, especially children, and their shape is beautiful and entertaining because of their naughty movements, while cats need care and care to maintain their health, such as providing them with hot food, not cold and variety in The types of food provided to them, as they feed on dried food designated for them and found in cat supplies stores, as well as meat, in addition to the possibility of eating them from home food such as eggs, cheese and some vegetables, and there are also some foods that are forbidden to present to cats such as chocolate and coffee, while cats need time For another to play and caress, while the cat's appetite must be monitored from time to time, because most of the diseases that are afflicted with it affect the cat's appetite, and also, periodic follow-up with the veterinarian regarding its vaccinations and checking on its health on an ongoing basis.

The most important cat diseases and ways to treat them


The symptoms of this disease are a runny nose, frequent sneezing and stuffy nose, with tears in the eye, and the cat suffers at that time from loss of appetite, lack of activity, and infections on the tongue and mouth from the inside, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea are one of these symptoms, and the treatment at that time is to clean the nose And the eye of these secretions through a clean cotton moistened with warm water, and the cat must be exposed to the sun on a continuous basis and sit in a well-ventilated place while cleaning his hair to get rid of any viruses or germs that cause him diseases, while the cats are fed at this stage warm food of sardine, In addition to going to the veterinarian to prescribe the appropriate treatment for the cat, which usually contains cephalexin, which eliminates the bacteria that cause this disease, so that the cat's condition does not deteriorate, which can lead to dehydration and endanger his life.


Arthritis is the inability of cats to stand or move as a result of the pain associated with this inflammation, and its symptoms are lack of activity and high body temperature with a loss of appetite, and its infection is due to the age of cats or exposure to an accident or injury, while the symptoms of the disease are an attempt Cats move a lot in order to get the necessary heating for the joints, especially when suffering from this disease in the winter, when the condition of cats is more difficult, and they are not able to stand and face difficulty in that, while the treatment of this disease is anti-inflammatory, as doctors recommend Avoid giving cats any medicines that contain vitamin A, such as cod liver oil, which is considered toxic to cats and endangers their lives, in addition to warming cats while they are sick and reducing their weight by providing them with healthy foods in reasonable quantities.


It is a disease that is not noticed by the breeder greatly, as cats depend on a group of other senses that enrich them from the sense of sight, such as cat whiskers, which are considered antennae during walking, while in some cases some symptoms appear such as the presence of infections around the eye or a change in the internal shape of the eye, Among the most important causes of this disease is aging, the formation of glaucoma on the eye, and the presence of problems in the retina, such as tumors or high intraocular pressure, and blindness may be due to problems in the kidneys and thyroid gland, while the veterinarian should go to the veterinarian immediately for eye examinations when discovered Disease, which are blood analyzes to determine the causes of the disease and stand on them, and the breeder must take care of the cats at this stage, where he must avoid leaving the cat out of the house and keep it always inside it, and the furniture places in the house or the cat's special things such as food, drink and box should not be changed. Special to eliminate his needs, which the cat has become accustomed to in the past, in addition to placing cats' things near him.
