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What is a healthy hamster food?


Eating hamsters 
The hamster diet in the wild consists of a variety of foods. It feeds on insects, and small animals such as frogs and lizards, in addition to seeds, grains, nuts, cracked corn, fruit, and vegetables. It is advised for those who wish to raise hamsters as a pet to provide it Meals contain at least 16% protein, and 5% fat.

Important tips for feeding hamsters:
Some tips that hamsters should adhere to in order to keep their pet healthy:

  • Putting food away from the place designated for urination and defecation.

  • Providing small amounts of food to the hamster each time, to be able to monitor whether it is sensitive to a specific type of food.

  • Dispose of the extra food after the hamster has finished eating, so that he does not collect it under the sleeping area.

  • Wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before serving them to the hamster, and remove the seeds from the fruit.

  • Take the vegetables and fruits out of the refrigerator well in advance until their temperature is close to the room temperature when served to the hamster.

  • Providing the hamster with clean water continuously and changing it daily, it is preferable to put water in a bottle that can be hung in the cage so that the hamster cannot turn it.

  • Ensure that ready-made foods for hamsters constitute half of the daily food ration for hamsters, provided that a good quality is chosen that contains all the nutrients and vitamins that he needs. Turkeys to supply adequate protein.

  • Serve some biscuits or slices of bread, dog food or parrot as a hamster snack, and make sure to cut them into small pieces beforehand.

Food prohibited from serving hamsters:
  Here are some types of foods that are prohibited from serving hamsters because they are difficult to digest and may lead to intestinal disorders. Including: avocado, orange, lemon, garlic, onion, parsley, celery, thyme oregano, basil, radish, uncooked beans, chocolate, and sugar. It is also forbidden to provide food intended for humans for hamsters because it contains a high percentage of fat and salt, and some can be served Types of foods such as grapes, carrots, and beets once or twice a week, but in small quantities.