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Here is some information about the wolf and its behavior


Definition of wolf:
   The wolf is known as any of the two types of wild carnivores, the gray wolf which is the well-known wolf and the largest member of the Canidae dog family and inhabits vast areas in the northern hemisphere, and the other type is the Ethiopian or Ethiopian wolf inhabiting the highlands of Ethiopia, [1] There are about forty subspecies of wolves, and therefore, according to the ITIS integrated classification information system, wolves vary in size, as the size of the gray wolf is approximately 120-200 cm and weighs approximately 18-79 kg, and as its name indicates, the gray wolf has a gray fur Thick or pure white or black fur, while the red wolf is slightly smaller with a length of about 137-168 cm and weighs approximately 23-36 kg.

Behavior of wolves:
   Wolves live in groups of six to ten individuals, and they are known to travel long distances, perhaps for approximately 19.3 km per day. These social animals also cooperate with their favorite prey, which are large animals such as deer, deer, and moose, and when they succeed in hunting prey, they do not eat in moderation. One wolf consumes approximately 9.07 kg of meat in one sitting, and wolves feed on different types of prey such as small mammals, birds, fish, lizards, snakes and fruit.

Information about wolves:
Some of the identifiable information about wolves is as follows:

  • Wolves are known to prefer not to stay in one place, but are always traveling.

  • Wolves can make friends as they howl to communicate with other members of the same group.

  • Wolves communicate with each other by leaving signs of smell, such as urine or feces, on the road.

  • Wolves and Dogs are somewhat similar in behavior, because they love playing, chewing bones, and making loud noises when threatened.