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10 things to know about your cat's passions

Cats are very intelligent, and that they offer infection and tenderness.

The cat can live from 13 to 17 years counting on the breed so it can engage longer with humans and has good hearing and good eyesight within the dark.

1- Sleep: it is the favorite activity of cats generally they spend from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. to sleep per day some can even sleep 6 p.m.

NB: avoid waking them or disturbing them during their sleep.

2- Hunting: it's something innate in cats that ensures its survival. Hunting may be a vital activity for them, something that ought to not be prevented from practicing it.

3- Scratch; this is often one among the foremost favorite shopping activities, they are doing it to mark their territories, to possess fun and to refine their claws.

4- Lounging within the sun: they like to sit in warm and cozy places, that's why we discover them sitting on us, on our computers ...

5- Receiving petting: they love to be petted, there are cats who are more infectious than others, you have to show them infection and the tenderness of your par to avoid it scratching you. We recommend that you simply pet them only they're trying to find them.

6- Observe the world: they love to observe all that they surround them; people who move the wind ... they can spend hours looking out the window. We recommend that you leave a window open.

7- Eat: cats love food; they can eat without being hungry, if you want to keep your cat happy you need to vary the diet and prepare homemade food for it.

8- Height: they love high places even for sleeping, it is necessary for them to feel safe. And to have the widest possible observation survey.

9- Play: the cat loves to play at any age, with its toys or with its owner. We recommend that you buy him some games and spend more time with him.

10- Being together with your family: once you have a cat, you'll see that they love spending time with us, despite their independence. Cats have several ways to point out their infection, sometimes they'll go unnoticed by some people.

Now you know the 10 things your cat likes to do, take them into account and give her a better life. He will be grateful.